Breakfast- the most imporant meal of the day.

Not to keep boring you with my fitness/diet news but blogging about it is all part of my routine, plus its very therapeutic for me.

I've been getting bored with my gym routine lately. Leg day, back day, blah blah blah. So last night I took part in my gym's Total Body Sculpting class. And I loved it. It kicked my a**. I am sore today and it's a great feeling. I realized that my niche is classes b/c there's so much motivation. You don't want to be the only person not getting it so you have to keep up. Although I do enjoy doing free weights or machines on some days, I don't always have the mind set for it. Mind over matter right? I'll now be doing the sculpting classes 2-3 times a week and cardio the rest.

I went to bed early last night after my workout and woke up feeling refreshed. I had my power smoothie for breakfast. Besides oatmeal or overnight oats, smoothies are my breakfast faves.

My ingredients include:
1 scoop protein powder
1/4 c. oats
1/4 c. Almond or coconut milk
1/4 c. Greek yogurt
1 tbs. milled Flax seed
4-5 fresh strawberries

What's your workout niche? Classes or gym? What's your favorite breakfast item(s)?

Have a good weekend!


Home Is Where the Hart Is March 29, 2011 at 10:43 AM  

I always perform much better in classes or when I'm doing cardio with a friend. For some reason I can't motivated myself when I'm alone. It's a lot easier to throw in the towel (pun intended) and go home if there's no one to answer to.
Pat loves smoothies. I've never been big on them but I think that's because all the ones I've ever ordered are lack luster. Yours above sounds great. Maybe I'll give it a try.
BTW, my friend Kim does that class at her gym all the time and she has the most rockin' body of anyone I know. Keep it up and I bet you will too...though you already look awesome!

Anonymous,  March 30, 2011 at 4:12 PM  

i LOVE BREAKKI!! i always need it or else im CRANKY!

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