Boots, babies, and Broadway...


As a belated birthday present, I took a weekend trip to Kentucky to visit my bff Danielle. It was a fun and very exciting weekend. We enjoyed drinks by the pool, manicures and pedicures, shopping, and even a little road trip to Nashville to visit anther friend, Hailey.
I got to spend time with Ava and her mini horse, Baby Diamond. The mini got a little spooked Friday morning sending Chris on a wild chase. I'm so glad I had my video camera because it was the most hysterical thing I have seen in a while.

"I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. De Mille"


For my birthday, I asked for a new camera. Well..ta da! I got this awesome new Samsung with dual screens. I am a fan of gadgets and this one has is it all:
- HD video camera
- Dual screens
- smart crop
- beauty photo fix
- audio
Can't wait to take more this weekend!!

Fresh from the sea


This weekend, me and a couple of friends rented a quaint little cabin on the Homosassa River. It was an awesome little house that you can only get to by boat. We spent the weekend out in the bay diving for scallops and having a ton of fun in the sun, maybe a little too much for me.
We ended up with about 5 gallons of fresh scallops. I even ate a raw one right out of the shell on the boat. I was impressed with myself I must say.

The big 2-6


Not to be totally cheesy but I have to say, Happy birthday to me! I am 26 today. I really think I should be 25 for another year so I might stick with telling people that who don't know. What difference does it really make, right?
I am determined to have a great year  this year. I started it off waking up with the sun then going for a nice run. I feel good. My dad even made me cupcakes. (He's never made them before and probably never will with all the work that goes into them.)  I was very proud of him. Although I'm at work today, all the birthday wishes make it an okay place to be. Tonight, will be shared with friends at dinner (and lots of wine).

You look like you could use a vacation...


Have you seen the new Groupon Getaways? Such awesome deals, I can't wait to get one. Check out the fabulous vacations and getaways for super discounted prices. See them here!

Dear Time...


Why are you not on my side? I think it is true what they say, time really does go by so much quicker as you get older. And older I will be next week. I will be turning the big 2-6. I'm not too happy about it either. 25 I think is the perfect age so I think I might just stay here for another year....
I have obviously been far too behind on my blogs. Lots of fun has passed. I had a picturesque Floridian 4th of July weekend. We went fishing, swimming, grilled, and floated down the Rainbow River all day.

5 on Friday: Father's Day


Yeah, 5 on Friday is back! My Friday’s just haven’t felt completed lately.
I already celebrated Father’s Day with my day this year. We had such an awesome day starting with 18 holes of golf. Then we had lunch at a little sports bar with some 22 oz beers to cool off. After lunch, we played a game of pool which he was impressively good at. Then hit a bucket of balls and the driving range and topped it all off with a delicious ice cream cone. Not too bad for an old guy.

Are you there blog? It's me... Nicole!


Man...I finally found a day to dust off the ol' laptop and reunite with the world of blogging. My how I've missed you. So much has happened in the past couple weeks.
For Memorial Day weekend, I went back to Seattle to visit my sisters. We also had a baby shower for my oldest sister, Brooke. She is having twins! A boy and a girl! So blessed. Me and my sister Lauren made lemon and lime cupcakes that we so delish.

5 on Friday: Dooms Day


According to Harold Camping tomorrow, May 21st, is supposed to be the end of the world. Well, if that’s the case then I highly suggest we all go out with a bang. It may be short notice to some but there’s plenty of time to live out the last hours of your life to the fullest.
5 Things to Do before the World Ends:
1)      Skydive: This adrenaline rush is top on my list. To be able to get the nerve to jump out of a plane 10,000 feet up in the air sounds like the biggest thrill. I think this would be an amazing moment to actually be able to fly.

Guitless dessert... Opa!


Remember when you were a kid on a hot summer day and nothing was more satisfying than an ice cold Popsicle? Unfortunately, as adults those summer days are a bit different now seeing as though we don't get to spend every day running through the sprinklers and up and down the slip-n-slide. Nor do we have that speedy metabolism to be able to eat all of those delicious popsicles (not most of us at least). But good news people!

Viva Italia!


It was one year ago today I arrived in the magnificent city of Rome for a 10 day journey throughout Italy. My parents and I took the long and much anticipated flight from New York to Rome to being our Italian expedition. We started in Rome not missing a single museum or monument. There was an overwhelming feeling of contentment right from the start. Wanting to jump right in, we sat street side at a café in the center of Piazza Navone while enjoying cold glasses of Peroni and snacking on some breadsticks. This is the life.


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